Image Hosted by COY: October 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Special Selection.

This is where COY began. Shirts made especially for close friends. COY wanted to create something new and different to everything else available. Time, Patience, and Concept where shown through each item. This was something which wasn't easy to reproduce as it wasn't cost, nor time effective. This was the reason for their creation.

The shirts took hours to complete. Each Wishbone appeared seperately in a random position. Threads were changed after each embroidery to a new colour.

Silver text was added to the back and was put there to give the wearer the best of luck. During construction the metal feather first came to light and found it's rightful place.

Though only three were originally made, positive comments and compliments were vast. COY hadn't experienced this before.
Not forgetting COY's roots, the 'Custom Made' selection has now begun. There will be a tiny amount available and each will be different. When they are gone, COY will only make for special requests. Unfortunately the costs will be high due to the time and effort put in to each one. Send COY your special request if you would like one.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ethically Printed T-Shirts. Suggested Reading.

COY shirts are printed alongside Katherine Hamnetts' using the same t-shirts and UK printers.
Her new online store features some very interesting articles concerning cotton farming and pollution caused by the clothing industry...

"The clothing, shoe and textile industry is one of the largest in the world. It is responsible for enormous pollution and environmental destruction. The industry uses more water than any other, apart from agriculture. It discharges massive quantities of toxic chemicals into the environment including huge amounts of dioxins (the world´s number one pathogen), from bleach, lycra, PVC and heavy metals in dyes and leather tanning. It uses huge amounts of energy in the form oil and electricity - used in manufacturing and the production of synthetics - and in shipping and air travel. It is responsible for enormous CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions and must be considered a significant contributor to climate change..."

Continue reading. Go to 'Katherine Hamnett' in 'LINKS' section.

Where can we go from here?

In a world where we struggle to develop cures for diseases which are a direct result of how we have lived our lives.
The signs show our Earth has had enough of us. Are we responsible for the end or can we start again?
Think. Act. Change. Where do we go from here?

Monday, October 16, 2006


Thought processes develop ideas through time and effort. The desire to seek out perfection. All could arrive by chance via a lucky break. Make a wish.

U.S Love Token.

This is an image found recently of an 1850 US "Love Token". The coin is a "Seated Liberty" quarter and engraved onto one side is the masonic compass and "COY". It is coincidental to the ideas, design, and essence of COY's work.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Life Passage.

Shield of Arms.


Existentialism is a philosophical movement which emphasizes on individual existence, freedom, and choice.
There are several philosophical positions all related to existential philosophy but the main identifiable common proposition, is that existence precedes essence. By this, existentialism states that man exists and in that existence man defines himself and the world in his own subjectivity, and wanders between choice, freedom, and existential angst.

The first philosopher to use the term was Soren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855), who reacted against systematic rational philosophy, specially Hegel, and grasped the notion of a truth inside of the evolving self.

Deriving from this stress on existence there are other main subjects and images that have been developed by the existentialists.

BECOMING A BEING (existential ontology):
We are what we can become. Ours is a process, and our becoming is our ontic possibility of becoming. Human existence is a project, in which past and present are subordinate to future, is the main residence of our existence, because it is the north of our projection of ourselves. “Human existence cannot have a relationship with being unless it remains in the midst of nothingness.” (M. Heidegger - was ist metaphysik?).
Nothingness appears in existentialism, as the placeholder of the possibility. The awareness of anything in the world that is not my own existence (which by the way,cannot be held in consciousness without being nihilized) is an awareness of nothingness, that is, what I, this existence am not and in some cases I could become.
We arrive from nothingness to absurd at the moment that we ask for a meaning after we have become aware of the other (through the prior explained negation). Absurd is a leit motiv in existentialism, specially in Sartre and Camus. It is sometimes possible to overcome absurd, with absurd itself, as Camus says in The Myth of Sisyphus: "The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
Our view of the world is enough to become Truth, because it is based on our facts. What we do with this truth, depends on our good or bad faith, that is, the ability to act as if in our act the entire mankind would be represented. That is enough to prove an act as an ethical one.
We always have a choice. Existentialism does not stand for any kind of determinism except the one that determines our individual facts (existence)
We choose, and in choosing (in good or bad faith) we define ourselves. Choice is a definition of an existence in the world, towards an object outside of itself.
Choice is all that we have, without confirmation of our act; we never know what was right to choose. The doubt of our acts, together with the contingence of existence, leads to
The main characteristic of existence itself, when we face our contingence, and the absurdity of our acts and choices:
For Heidegger, it is that through which fear becomes possible. For Kierkegaard is a desire for what one fears. For Sartre, it is the immediate consequence of facing the possibility of nothingness.

Where are you going?

Find your path. Make the most of your life. Give yourself direction and a reason to follow it.

Disused Objects.

A sign of our presence.

Feather Compass.

T-Shirt Designs. Compass = Direction. Feathers = Freedom.
'Coy' script is being 'coy'.


Civilizations dating back to the 4th Century (Etruscans, Romans... Britain, America) have held turkey or chicken wishbone contests. Pulling the dry turkey or chicken bone until it snapped ("lucky break"), they believed the winner's wish or dream would come true. In today's increasingly superstitious culture, many believe that this symbol will "catch" their dreams, bring good luck, and make their wishes come true. As in contemporary witchcraft or magic, the object becomes a channel of "good" energy.

Open the door.

"Plentifulness, achievement of hope".

Represents plentifulness and the achievement of hope.
In Ireland the Garb (Wheat Sheaf) often represented the fertility of a particular area.
Is hope the best thing we can achieve?

Disperse Evil.

It is thought in many folklores that the bell can ward off evil spirits.

The Power of Imagery.

What does this mean to you?
A new beginning?

Our abilities to make wonderful things help create a better life.


Ideas can be taken from anywhere and everywhere.
Who cares if others think your idea is rubbish.
It's how you use the idea.
Do ideas exist if they're not put into action?
Sometimes the best ideas are the 'Rubbish' ones.